PostCSS-Neat is a fluid grid framework built with the aim of being easy enough to use out of the box and flexible enough to customize down the road.
require('postcss-neat')(/* { options } */)
There is a gulp usage:
var gulp = require('gulp');
.task('css', function () {
var processors = [
require('autoprefixer-core')({ browsers: ['last 1 version'] }),
require('postcss-neat')(/* { options } */)
return gulp.src('./input/*.css')
.task('default', ['styles']);
See the demo page for a full list of features.
Let's walk through a simple example. Include the outer-container
at-rule in the topmost container (to which the max-width
setting will be applied):
.container {
Then use span-columns
on any element to specify the number of columns it should span:
.element {
@neat-span-columns 6;
If the element's parent isn't the top-most container, you need to add the number of columns of the parent element to keep the right proportions:
.container {
.parent-element {
@neat-span-columns 8;
.element {
@neat-span-columns 6 8;
To make your layout responsive, use the postcss-media-minmax media queries functionality to modify both the grid and the layout:
.container {
@neat-span-columns 4;
@media (width >= 768px) {
@neat-span-columns 2;
To help debug your layouts there is a show-grid
at-rule, note that it should be used in conjunction with outer-container
.container {
@neat-show-grid; /* defaults to 1 12 */
The result you get by using show-grid
at-rule is shown below:

If you are planning to override the default grid settings (12 columns, and etc.), set variables you want to override in options
that you pass to PostCSS-neat call:
neatMaxWidth: '128em'
There is a list of all available variables:
, sets the default display mode. Can beblock
. Default isblock
, sets the default layout direction of the grid. Can be LTR or RTL. Default isLTR
, sets the total number of columns in the grid. Default is12
, sets the relative width of a single grid column. Default is4.235801032000001em
, sets the relative width of a single grid gutter. Default is1.618em
, sets the max-width property of the element that includes outer-container. Default is64em
, sets the background color for the debugging grid. Default is#ecf0f1
PostCSS-Neat is created and maintained by Alexandr Marinenko. The project is heavily inspired by amazing Sass framework Bourbon Neat. Tweet your questions or suggestions to @jo_asakura.
Copyright © 2015 Alexandr Marinenko. PostCSS-Neat is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.